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When did the church of which Christ is head begin? Some teach that the church Paul discusses in Ephesians and Colossians is the same as that which is mentioned in 1Cor 12 and which began with the salvation of Paul or shortly thereafter. There are several positions that are followed in Christianity. The main positions are Acts 2, Mid-Acts (Acts 9 or 13) and Acts 28. To answer the question, you must study the context and message of Paul, Peter and others presented during that timeframe in scripture. This is no small matter for many inferences come from the decision you make. So, what saith the scripture?


Wayne Stewart's avatar
June 18, 2023

The Remnant – Part 9

The lesson on June 18, 2023 was part 9 of "The Remnant" study. In this lesson, Wayne continues to teach on the differences of the Body of Christ found in the Acts period compared to the Body of Christ found...
Wayne Stewart's avatar
November 11, 2018

My Gospel – Part 4

The lesson on November 11, 2018 was part 4 of the "My Gospel" study.  This lesson again wraps up the three references the Apostle Paul made to his gospel.  Wayne took time to explain in his own life how he...
Wayne Stewart's avatar
March 4, 2018

Mid-Acts or Acts 28? – Part 13

The lesson on March 4, 2018 was part 13 of the "Mid-Acts or Acts 28?" study.  This was the final lesson in this series and Wayne provides a recap of why the scripture seems clear that the church which is...
Wayne Stewart's avatar
February 25, 2018

Mid-Acts or Acts 28? – Part 12

The lesson on February 25, 2018 was part 12 of the "Mid-Acts or Acts 28?" study.  This week Wayne takes an even deeper look at the message of transition from the Jew and Gentile to compare what was taught to...
Wayne Stewart's avatar
February 18, 2018

Mid-Acts or Acts 28? – Part 11

The lesson on February 18, 2018 was part 11 of "Mid-Acts or Acts 28?" study.  Wayne continued the thought of comparing the body of Christ metaphor to the church which is his body digging deeper in scripture to find evidence...
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