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When did the church of which Christ is head begin? Some teach that the church Paul discusses in Ephesians and Colossians is the same as that which is mentioned in 1Cor 12 and which began with the salvation of Paul or shortly thereafter. There are several positions that are followed in Christianity. The main positions are Acts 2, Mid-Acts (Acts 9 or 13) and Acts 28. To answer the question, you must study the context and message of Paul, Peter and others presented during that timeframe in scripture. This is no small matter for many inferences come from the decision you make. So, what saith the scripture?


Wayne Stewart's avatar
October 5, 2014

First Corinthians – Part 3

Introduction: Last week we discussed the problem of divisions that developed in the Corinthian assembly under the context of a ministry began by the Lord and continued into the Acts period. How could "the Mystery" of Eph 3 or Col...
Wayne Stewart's avatar
September 15, 2014

First Corinthians – Part 2

Introduction In part 1 we looked at the first 9 verses of chapter 1 where we learn't a great deal about the context and economy in which Paul was labouring. Many contrasts were shown between the Acts age and ours....