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Mothers Day 2009 – The lesson on May 10, 2009 celebrated Mothers Day and started with the scripture reading in Psalms 113. You may think that the passage in Psalms 113 is a strange one to celebrate Mothers Day but it starts with a “hallelujah” and ends with a “hallelujah” which means Praise Ye the Lord. Even though we want to recognize Mothers today, it’s even more important to give God the praise in what He has done for us. That’s what is going on in Psalms 113. We see in this chapter that woman is referenced in their role as a Mother, Psalms 113:9 says “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord .” Being barren would be a burden since God gave man woman to procreate, and the weight of this condition would weigh heavily on a woman, but God gives many examples of how the barren woman was given a baby. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Hannah were all women who dealt with these issues. Mary’s cousin Elizabeth was barren and old when she gave birth to John. You never know how God will deliver a child to a woman in this condition. The woman does have a strong responsibility in the home. Paul says in 1 Timothy 5:14 “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” The faith that Mothers have is the faith that children will catch. Paul said that when he was writing to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:3-5, it says “I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day; Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy; When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” Timothy caught his faith from his Mom and Grandmother. Faith is the divinely implanted principles of God and comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). In verse 7, Paul is reminding Timothy that “… God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”. This is a powerful gift that Mothers can give their children. The lesson included a song from 1976 about Mom sung by Jimmy Dean entitled “I Owe You”.



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