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September 16, 2021

Calling (from Alphabetical Analysis)

The Greek word translated ‘calling’ is klesis, and it occurs in the New Testament eleven times. Those who receive this calling are denominated ‘called’ kletos, and this too occurs eleven times. Both of these words derive from kaleo ‘to call’,...
September 8, 2021

Born Again (from Alphabetical Analysis)

Attention has been drawn in the Dispensational section of this analysis to the distinction which the Scriptures make between 'children and sons' (see article, Children v. Sons1). John, in his Gospel and Epistles, never uses the Greek word huios, 'son'...
August 31, 2021

Acts-28 (from Alphabetical Analysis)

ACTS-28. THE DISPENSATIONAL BOUNDARY The reader is directed to articles entitled ACTS (p. 19), LO-AMMI2, and ISAIAH 6:9,10. The structure of Acts 28 and the commentary on this section are intended to prove that Acts 28 is indeed of the...

About Charles Welch

Charles Henry Welch (called C. H. Welch) (1880–1967) was a Christian dispensational theologian, writer and speaker. During his lifetime he produced over 60 books, booklets and pamphlets, and more than 500 audio recordings. His most significant works are 56 bound volumes of the Berean Expositor, a Bible study magazine edited by Mr. Welch from 1906 until his death in 1967, and 10 volumes of The Alphabetical Analysis. He also taught his dispensational approach of the Bible with lectures throughout Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Canada and the United States. Welch promoted the Acts 28 position which he believed "is indeed of the utmost dispensational importance to the believer today. It marks a frontier." He believed the dispensational truths of the Acts period (29 – 62 AD) differed greatly from those written after the Acts period,

Other Content by Charles Welch