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What is the “soul” — how is it used in the old and new testaments? Have we been shafted in our understanding of the nature of man? Is the immortality of the soul biblical or is it the tradition derived from Plato? Lets look at the many passages in the Old testament that refer to the soul and once we have digested them we will then look at the new testament.

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You assume that everything is just A OK and then everything changes! That’s the “But Now” experience. It manifests its influence in various ways and interesting contexts. 

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The Rich Man (Dives in Latin) and Lazarus

Luke 16 is the main passage used by believers to justify the conscious intermediate state and the torment pre judgment of the lost. But what is the context of this passage? Can you really take the pagan notions of the Pharisees and believe that this is sound doctrine? Do you really believe that a pre-judicial burning in torments is both Biblical and just?

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Christmas 2015

What chaos our world is in today!  We are completing the seventh year under the most wicked president to have ever served our country. He has tried his best, morally, economically and spiritually to ruin this nation. The only reason America is not totally destroyed is because: “… the most High ruleth in the kingdom […]

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The Time is at Hand

The conclusion from this short survey is that John is looking back at Israel from the perspective that she had rejected her Messiah and then John uses well placed signs to show among other things that Jesus is Messiah and that believing “the world” in light of Israel’s defection can have life through His name. This is not the perspective of the Revelation! Rather the Patmos vision is a translation into the time near during and after the day of the Lord.

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Let Us Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is here again and many are saying that it seems that every day we have less and less for which to be thankful.  As we look around us we see problems and perversions engulfing us.  Everywhere we turn we can see those deliberately destroying our nation and for what it once stood.  Biblical principles […]

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Can The Soul Die?

The Immortal Soul? We should let the scriptures speak: KJV  Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. (Eze 18:4 KJV) KJV  Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are […]

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The Ends of The Ages

Clearly Israel’s history was of importance in showing God’s displeasure at their disobedience and hence served as “tupoi” or “figures” and “examples” to help prevent a repeat of the nations indiscretions. In rehearsing this he reveals the nature of the time then present, and hence the importance of being careful in personal and collective deportment . The Corinthian believers were experiencing “τὰ τέλη τῶν αἰώνων, the ends of the ages”. 

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Prophetical Scriptures

The end of the book of Romans is often used as a “proof” that the mystery given to Paul the prisoner was known before the close of the book of Acts and that “the mystery” as revealed in Eph 3 is simply a revisitation of what was already dispensed in the acts period. This is a part of the mid-acts foundation, an assumption that is demonstrably wrong, upon which many false doctrines subsist. 

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Paul and PAul

The apostle Paul had two ministries, one during the book of Acts and the other after Acts 28. Much confusion in the christian community results from a failure to rightly divide between these two ministries. For the Christian, that is for the person who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as saviour there is no issue more important than to have a clear appreciation of the two-fold ministry of Paul.

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